Friday, May 22, 2020

Future Work Trends Are They Social and Smart #wtsadecco

Future Work Trends Are They Social and Smart #wtsadecco If you are a recruiter or job seeker, Adecco welcomes your opinion. You can participate in the Future Work Trends study here. We often wonder how we will be working in the future: everybody in space suits or with fancy touch-screen-devices? A computer that talks to you all day, no keyboard necessary? Employees working  from home interacting across the globe, a future without emails? But hold on, aren’t we already  there? The Adecco Work Trends Study, conducted in 25 countries around the world, aims to find out just  that. Both job seekers and recruiters are invited to participate and help find out, how far into the  future we have already travelled. In 2014, Adecco conducted the Global Social Recruiting Study across 24 countries. At global, regional  and local levels the study looked into: The use of social media. The effectiveness of social media in matching job seekers with open positions. The importance of web reputation. The social capital of individual candidates. How recruiters explore the web when looking for a candidate. The results provided some useful insights on social recruiting for HR professionals: Social recruiting lets you talk to candidates across borders and languages in real time. You  can engage with them directly, based on interests and qualifications. Social recruiting can put an end to the practise of “posting and praying”. By using targeting  options when communicating or hashtags, we can talk to the desired audience. You will already know whether a candidate is a good match to your open position based on  the information they have provided in their social profile. You are already half way there. In order to achieve good results with social recruiting, recruiters need to improve on their  social profiles and their own web reputation. Creating trust by exemplary profiles is key for  success. Flexible working â€" a smart future is just around the corner: We are already well on the way to a social and smart future of work. Flexible hours, career models  that centre around the phases in the employee’s life and objective-oriented work have already been  adopted in many companies. And they have seen the benefits in motivation levels, efficiency and  creativity. However, smart working implies changing the way we work. We need to change our  perception in terms of availability: do we have to be ‘on the job’ from 9 till 5 or can we simply record  the hours we have actually worked â€" no matter what time of date or night? When people work from  different locations, managers and team leaders need to adapt the way they evaluate their team’s  work. Handing out work packages and measuring achievements instead of face time will help. We  will need to change the way we collaborate as teams and make access to platforms and data  independent of the location an employee works from. Smart working is not for everybody. It needs a high degree of self-discipline and awareness, and  employees need to know in which environment they work best. And for some jobs, being present in  a central office location will continue to be a necessity. The aim of Adecco’s study is to package these already existing trends into facts and figures and you  can contribute your experience to the findings. To get regular updates on future work trends, follow the hashtag #wtsadecco and the Adecco Group on Twitter  and  LinkedIn.

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